Solar Panel Installation Lubbock Texas Call
Author: Charles Crumpley Lubbock Texas Residential Solar Panel Installations have began as the cost of water and electricity skyrocket! Lubbock Power and Light ( LP&L) provides easy installation with simple agreements. Nearly every location in Lubbock Texas is perfect for a solar panel installation.
The Solar Panel Installation program in Lubbock Texas by Aztec Renewable Energy is catching on quickly. We offer 20 year zero down financing! The savings pays the loan payment and puts money in your pocket every month! Texas “Required” Solar Panel Installation Advertising License: TECL#29509
Aztec Renewable Energy, Inc. will provide you with; Shading Analysis, Custom AutoCAD Design, Project Estimate, Finance Options, Estimated Payments and Projected Cash Flow Analysis.
- Schedule your FREE site evaluation with our solar professionals. Credit score must be over 650.
- Prequalify for your solar financing. Available 20-Year Terms with Zero Down
- Face-to-face contract review and agreement
Solar Power finance options are designed to put money in your pocket every month with zero down!
Does Solar Energy REALLY Work?
- Increased Property Value
- Clean Energy for the next 25-40 years
- Cash in your pocket every month!
- Fixed cost of power (not subject to price increases)
Aztec Renewable Energy, Inc.
- 1999 Renewable Energy Pioneer: Transformed 32 Power Companies and 16 Cities.
- Solar Panel Installations – click here
- High Volume Installations, Quality and REAL WARRANTY!
- Servicing all of Texas!
Program Requirements:
- Electrical Contractor License displayed on all online ad’s, business cards and contracts
Consumer Alert: Since 2017 solar financing has encouraged unlicensed opportunist/Online Marketing companies (mostly form Arizona and California) advertising in Texas without displaying an Electrical Contractors License are in violation of Texas State Law. The Texas Attorney General has been asked to investigate these companies for consumer fraud . General Contractors can not promote electrical installations, as they can avoid accountability, used unlicensed installers and provide little or no margin for installer warranty. Marketing companies are usually in the business of running up the adverting cost of local companies while selling your information to the highest bidder. Most of them are willing to sell your Solar Panel Installation Lubbock Texas information to unlicensed, unqualified and inexperienced installers.